Coral Rose & Lambs Ear Bouquet
Introduce a touch of elegance with this Coral Rose and Lamb’s Ear Bouquet. Featuring stunning coral roses nestled amidst soft, velvety lamb’s ear leaves, this bouquet exudes a sophisticated charm. The lush, realistic foliage and vibrant rose petals are perfectly complemented by a luxurious satin ribbon, adding a refined finishing touch. Ideal for special occasions or as a beautiful decorative accent, this exquisitely crafted bouquet brings a timeless beauty and grace to any setting. Enjoy the effortless elegance and natural appeal of this lovely arrangement, designed to enhance any decor with its stunning visual appeal.
- Dimensions: 12 Inch Height
- Lifelike and lasting, maintains natural beauty year after year
- Made with genuine Real Touch roses
- Faux Lamb’s Ear
- Ivory satin bow
- Velvet ribbon wrapped handle